Smart Agriculture
Why Smart Agriculture?
Technological innovations are reshaping the way farming is done. With IoT and AI/Robotics, it is now possible to automate and orchestrate agriculture systems in order to alleviate common pain points.
Artificial intelligence (AI) at the edge. Vision and deep learning capabilities from Intel extend AI to the device and gateway level, enabling new use cases.
Increase yields
Increase the output per square meter by automatically controlling environmental factors to optimize growth.
Enhance Sustainability
Real time insights and sensors allow farmers to easily monitor and manage the well-being of livestock and land.
Relieve Labor Stress
Autonomous machinery and remote monitoring can support routine inspection and harvesting to relieve intensive labor tasks.
Smart Agriculture Architecture
In order to build a Smart Agriculture Solution, there are three key components that you will need: Edge Device, Gateway Device, and Cloud Storage.
Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR)
Building an Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR) enables agriculture tasks to be done more effectively and efficiently. AAEON offers all the components you need to build a robot powered by Artificial Intelligence.
Vision Unit
The Vision Unit is the eye of the robot. 3D cameras allow the robot to "see" its surroundings so that it can make decisions.
AI model
The AI Models are the brain of the AMR and can analyze the vision input to perform tasks like navigation or object recognition.
Edge Computing Platform
The Edge Computing Platform powers the AI models. AAEON offers two platform series from Intel.
Action Units
The Action Units are the arm and foot of the robot, allowing it to move through fields, pick crops, and sort materials.
Feature solutions and Products
AAEON IoT Gateways
Robomaker Pro Kit
The new UP Squared Robomaker Pro Kit is the foundation for every robotic application. It integrates the essential components (computing unit, machine vision, motion unit), so you can start building your application out of the box and turn it into PoC or even production-ready solution rapidly.
Wahtari Training Platform
The critical piece of Robot/Machine Vision is the sophisticated AI model to help the computer “think” and make the correct decision. Wahtari uses their AI training platform/expertise to help customers build sophisticated AI models for machine vision applications.
AAEON IoT Products
With IoT sensors placed in the greenhouse or fields, every factor which will impact the growth of crops or productivity of livestock will be sent to the system for monitoring and analysis. Farmers can manage on-site equipment to maintain an optimized environment for crops and livestock remotely. AAEON provides plenty of IoT gateways/Nodes with different connectivity features such as LoRa, Wi-FI, LTE, Zigbee, Bluetooth, etc.
IoT Edge
AAEON Edge Computing (AI Platforms)
AI Machine Vision and AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robot) have totally changed human life by relieving us from labor intensive tasks. AAEON provides edge computing platforms based on any kind of AI Accelerator for various project requirements and the integration to different AI SDKs (Intel OpenVINO) to allow customers to quickly build AI application for their Edge AI project.
Smart agriculture solutions, powered by Intel. Highlights: Performance optimized for IoT. Intel processors, FPGAs and accelerators deliver power-efficient performance and specialized capabilities at the edge.
AI Edge X Series
Smart Agriculture Webinar
Technological innovations reshaping the way farming is done
Date: Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Time: 15:00-16:00 CET
Speaker: Owen Wei, AI & IoT Product Solutions Manager @ AAEON
Join us to discover more about the Smart Agriculture technology that can increase yields, enhance sustainability, and relieve stress on labor with the help of IoT and AI/Robotics. Register today to secure your spot.
Rich Product Portfolio
AAEON provides a rich product portfolio with different I/O, form factors, and platforms to fulfill any kind of requirement for your AI/IoT project.
Seamless Integration
The expandability and integration are considered within our product. Everything is integrated and is ensured to work perfectly toegether with our platforms.
Strong Ecosystem
In cooperation with our partners, we bring our products to a whole new level. Our partners have excelled in different areas, which helps us to bring the best experience to the development of your project.
One More Step to Smart Agriculture
Interested in leveraging AAEON’s products to build an application to benefit your agriculture project? Contact us today to find out more.